Message from South African's to Pastor T.B. Joshua [must read]

A Reliable sources in South Africa are passionate about Synagogue Church collapse ,

There is always a  tour package which cost an average sum of 10,000 Rands each for one week.
Further more, worshipers from other countries like Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan usually use the building but has investigation revealed that South Africans were more
Atleast not less than  84 life's were lost in the incident
The Healing of ill people and diseases also bring different countries to Synagogue – all for miracles.
also Holy water, is sold to pilgrims at the range of N5000 and N10,000 per bottle.
Christian worshipers from other countries are encouraged to stay there until after seven days.
Further more it was conveyed to us that the ruling African National Congress, ANC, Youth Wing had warned Pastor T.B. Joshua not to come to South Africa.
They said:-
He should not enter the country until they know what happened to their compatriots in Nigeria.
According to Bandile Masuku of ANC Youth League, “we will make sure that Pastor T.B. Joshua is not issued with a South African visa.”
The influx of foreign nationals into the church could be explained by the adage that a Prophet is not acknowledged or recognised in his own country.
But with this tragedy, many people are becoming scared of the Synagogue church and more knowledgeable about what goes on there.
Strangely, however, several South Africans, we reliably learnt, are still anxious to return to Nigeria to patronize the church because of their believed spiritual prowess of Pastor T.B. Joshua.
Pastor T.B. Joshua   is highly respected by politicians, including prime ministers, presidents,ministers and others.
Even sports men come to the Synagogue not only for healing when injured but also for for success in their outings.
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” – 1 John 4:1.

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