MEET World's Strongest Priest [PHOTOS]

"I've been given the ability to do this and I believe it is a gift from God."
Meet the world’s strongest priest,  who holds several Guinness World Records in powerlifting. here are some of his records

The heaviest aircraft pulled by a man (which weighed 189 tonnes)
"I've set many records over the years - I've pulled planes, trucks, ships and trains."

The longest duration holding 500kg with the shoulders

"My parishioners here at the church are always supportive."

The heaviest truck pulled by an arm wrestling move the heaviest vehicle pulled over 30,48 meters
The world's strongest priest, Kevin Fast,

"I've been competing at an extreme level for 21 years and don't want to stop now."

"With all my world record attempts I've always tried to raise money for charity."
The 51-year-old has already broken a staggering 19 powerlifting records over the past two decades and also presided over thousands of services, weddings and baptisms at a Canadian church.

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