meet BABOOLA the Ugandan cannibal that dont eat people but eat dead bodies [MUST READ]

Baboola, meet the Ugandan cannibal that dont eat people but eat dead bodies 
A United State -based filmmaker known as Matthew Goldman traveled to Uganda where he spoke with the local  cannibal,  it goes like this
In Uganda there is increasing number of cannibalism and the cases being recorded,

According to the reports from Matthew Goldman, who traveled to Uganda said within the last few couple of  months, Uganda citizens have been kept to a strict night curfew in the  fear of cannibals. It was also believed that locals cannivals are destroying homes and businesses of suspected cannibals .meet BABOOLA the Ugandan cannibal that dont eat people but eat dead bodies
it was also recorded that Leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, Joseph Kony was also accused of cannibalism with lots of reports  one of the noted was that he makes soldiers drink enemies’ blood.
In the recent interview with Baboola , the Ugandan self-professed cannibal spoke about his life and how he first tasted flesh being a child.
Baboola said he first tried human flesh after having been told by his brother-in-law that the meat was “good” and he should eat some. His relative told Baboola it was not a bad thing.
Baboola said he  does not kill people, but eats those who are already dead, as it“taste” better, he says.
When asked about why he started eating people, Baboola said he had “no choice” because of he has been given a “magic spell”.
The cannibal claims he has given up eating people, however he confesses that  once in a while he cheats on “a special occasion”.

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