RIP:- Galadiman Kano, is dead

Kano emirate council has lost one of its powerful member
PREMIUM TIMES confirmed that the Galadima died today (Monday) in Abuja. the emirate council is yet to pronounce it offion the development, said arrangements were already in progress to fly Mr. Hashim’s remains from Abuja for burial at about 2 p.m. in Kano.
 further more the emirate council is yet to get the cause of the death of the late galadima because according to him ” we are aware he traveled to Abuja and only heard he died this morning,” he said.

Dan Maje Kano, Munir Sanusi, confirmed Mr. Hashim’s passing away of the ccouncil member  Yes, it is true,” he said.

However the Galadima’s father was also never an emir, his grand father, Abbas, ruled Kano from 1903 to 1919.
The late Hashim was a a very close ally of the late Premier of the north and Sardauna of Sokoto, Ahmadu Bello. He served as a regional minister under the Sardauna.

Mr. Hashim was arguably the most powerful member of the Kano emirate council and was close to virtually all presidents and head of state of northern extraction.

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